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Body ecology and emersive leisure: Parkour as an interdisciplinary immersion in the city environment
Lebreton & Andrieu
Body Ecology and Emersive Leisure
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The urban environment, in its spatiality, corporeality and sociality, shows various grids of theoretical readings concerning recreational and sporting uses. To illustrate the different ways of living, we will focus our attention on the dimension of body ecology, in a will to ‘make-body’ with the environment lived because the question of how and why the environment influences health behavior remains largely unexplored. The great diversity in body and sports practices shows that urban space is now a recognised playground. The objective of this article is to apprehend urban sports practices by the prism of body immersion in the urban environment. The remarks will then be of a theoretical nature and especially in what brings together the sociology of the body and urban sociology. The body dimension is not limited to the motricity developed in the standardised places but also in what bases the intimate relation of the practitioner to his environment characteristic of what we call the practices of outdoor urbanity.
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