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Generalization and Maintenance of Participation in Parkour and Team Handball Recess in Elementary Schools


Cheng et al.



Publication type

Artículo de revista




comprehensive school physical activity program (CSPAP); generalization and maintenance of behavior change; sex; skill level


Purpose: We investigated elementary school children’s voluntary participation in parkour and team handball recess during generalization and maintenance by skill level and sex. Methods: In six schools, 45 girls and 68 boys from different classes received a 10-lesson sport education parkour (second grade) and team handball (third grade) season in physical education. Children’s participation in parkour and team handball recess during (generalization) and after the sport education season concluded (maintenance) was recorded and analyzed using the Poisson loglinear regression model to investigate the effects of skill level and sex. Results: Children’s participation in parkour (72%) was higher than team handball recess (47%) during generalization, p < .001. During maintenance, children’s participation in parkour (44%) was lower than team handball recess (49%), p < .001. Effects of skill level and sex were found in both phases. Conclusions: Coordinating physical education with recess can promote children’s participation in physical activity during recess.


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