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The Effect of Parkour Activities on Specific Physical Fitness and Grit in the Population of Healthy Youth Football Athletes
Hasyim et al.
Journal of Population and Social Studies
Publication type
Artículo de revista
Grit; parkour activity; physical fitness; youth
This study investigates the effects of parkour activity (PA) on physical fitness and grit for youth soccer athletes. True experimental research with a random control trial design for 12 weeks was adopted in this study. There were 78 male youth soccer athletes involved in the experimental (PA, n = 39) and control group (CG, n = 39) groups. The PA intervention program was carried out three times a week for 12 weeks. Pre-post-intervention tests were carried out to assess physical fitness and grit. The results of repeated measures ANOVA showed that there were significant effects of time, group, and time*group interaction on physical fitness (all, p <.05) and grit (all, p <.05). Meanwhile, Student's paired t-test results show that the PA group experienced significant differences scores between pre-and post-test in physical fitness (all, p <.05) and grit (all, p <.05), but in CG the differences were significant only occurred in sprint test 30m (p <.05), Illinois agility test (p <.05), hand grip test (p <.05) and there was no other difference, including grit (p >.05). In conclusion, we highlight that PA is the valid method to promote physical fitness and grit in youth soccer athletes.
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